The rescue plan was rejected
The plan was not passed
The great rescue plan that was to safe American economy from crashing was yesterday rejected by the republicans themselves! Bush finally managed to get the democrats along, but now it seems that this was not enough.
The powers of the market
The problem is that some politicians believe that the market should be allowed to stabelize without any interference from the government. One could think that this it is a sympathical thought, as the Wall Street should be able to rescue themselves.
What about the main steet
The problem as I see it is that the longer and deeper this cricis gets to last, the more it is going to hurt the main street people. Wether we like it or not the economy on Wall Street is deeply connected to the one on main street. This makes quit rough I believe, when some politicians think that we should just leave it up to the market to stabelize. I wonder if they will be put out of just one of their many homes!!!
Quit the blaming
There is no use in finding a scape goat, there just is no point. In stead I wonder if the American politicians are left with a choice at all but to pass this plan?