Archive for the ‘EU’ tag
Why are we so dependent on the US economy?!
It really socks that we are so dependent!
We all know that the world economy depends quit a lot on the American economy. This really bother me! Why sould I be dependent on how the americans juggle their economy. It has got influence on everything that is important in my everyday, interests of my savings, food prices, mortages, house prices…you name it!
What aboute EU
I truely belive that it would do a lot if we here in Europe could be an actual counterpart to the American economy. I think that we in much greater terms should try to unite the economies of Europe. It is a problem that the EU menber countries so very often disagree on key elements in financial politics, as it weakens us in conparason to the US.
Is the US fading?
Many have been discussing if the US is losing its possition as the worlds greatest super power. I do not know what to think. I mean, the resent financial cricis has not exactly show that the US are mature enough to fight any cricis. More so the other way around. They did not, in my opinion, do enough to keep the situation from evolving – sould they not have taken more responsibility – their world reaching influence taken into consideration?
EU influence on cellphone prices
EU influence
For as long as I can remember cellphone prices, when the phones are used outside the national boarders, have been out of proportions. Prices like 50 US cents per textmessage is not unusual, and doing a little bit of math, everyone can se that texting quickly run up.
The influence
The problem of these high prices has come to the attention of the European Commission, which have now published at law which will force the companies to compete in this market. Until now the great phone companies have avoided competition in this market, but fra january 2009 this is no longer the case. The European Commission will force the max price of text messages down to 15 US cents. read more about the EU influence on cellphone prices here
The inter-market of the EU
The provisions of the free movement
Within the EU-treaty there is a chapter containing the provisions of free movement. Article 28 concerning the free movement of goods, article 39 on free movement of workers, article 43 on the free movement of persons, article 49 on the free movement of services and finally article 58 on the free movement of capital. These are the articles framing the inter-market of the EU.
The purpose of the provisions
The purpose of the treaty is to secure a free and open market within the EU, so that for instance goods can pass boarder within the community, without being met with barrieres from the member states, trying to protect their own produce. read more aboute the provisions of free movemnet here