Dive in German exports suggests major recession
Is Germany showing the picture of the future?
Exports from Europe’s biggest economy, Germany, fell again in December and continues to trend from November. Exports plummeted 3.7 percent. compared with November, when exports fell 10.8 per cent throughout. – The largest drop ever.
Is the fear greater than the danger?
The figure was slightly better than the minus 4 percent. As economists had feared, writes the news agency Bloomberg.The new figures reinforces the picture of an economy in serious problems.
Fireing and hireing – mostly fireing
The German firms screws currently down production and, like in the rest of the world there is not a day without that huge companies start firing rounds.”The German exporters hit by the total collapse in world trade. And even more worrying – we have not seen the worst yet,” says an economist at ING Group in Brussels, Carsten Brzeski, to Bloomberg.
Is the economic recovery around the corner
Some experts have been saying that they believed/hoped that 2009 would show the end of the financial crisis that the world have been experiencing, but so far I do not see any signs in the stars that this should be the case.