Christmas shopping ’08
Will it beat last year?
It has always been a great indicator of the shape of the financial situation wether the currant years christmas shopping would beat last years when it comes to the sums spend.This year there has been a lot of speculation as to wether we would cut down due to the financial situation world wide.
Gifts could not fit under the tree
Until we see some numbers it will mostly be guesses, but if I look at the christmas in my own home, I do not think that we have given smaller gifts than we usually do. In fact, we were almost unable to fit the gifts af a family of five in under the tree.
I heard it on the radio
On a radio program I heard that the hosts made an unofficial survey asking the listeners to texts them wether they have spend more or less this year and what the avarage ammount of a present was.
Next year will be whorse
I personalle believe that next year to a higher extend will be a christmas characterized by savings. This year I do not think that the consumers had started to take the financial situation as seriously as we will be next year if the crisis continues.